How to say no

Is saying NO an art? Why do we find it so difficult to say no? What are the things that come in our mind, when it comes to saying no? Are we afraid to say no to our loved ones? In so many situations you wanted to say no, but you just couldn’t. Something always holds you back.

Ever wondered, ‘Saying No‘ can help you in so many ways and make your life better. 

The word NO is a demonstration or example of denying. The biggest worry while saying no is the fear of getting rejected. You think that if you refuse someone or say no, it would greatly disappoint him/her. And this would, in turn, hurt their emotions, irritate them or simply seem impolite to them. 

It happens that every time you tend to say yes to something that is irrelevant, and you disapprove of something that is significant. All of this makes you even more anxious. It is like a test you face and along with numerous individuals experience this each day. It is a weight that you carry with the inclination to say yes, which additionally turns into lowering your self-esteem and value. You will feel trapped in this circle. 

Numerous individuals battle by not saying, “No”. If somebody approaches you for some help, you may feel committed to saying “Yes”. Work on considering the most ideal approaches to say “No”. Think about things like your own limits and the current circumstance. When saying “No,” do it in such a way that makes your limits obvious. Work on maintaining a strategic distance from blame in the wake of saying “No”. 

Remember it is totally ok to say No. You should know your limits. You absolutely don’t need to explain yourself to anyone. Whether it is a small favor or big one, whether is it from a friend or family, if it is not ok to you – SAY NO

Stick to your decision. It is not your duty to apologize for a thing which your heart is saying no to. 

Whichever situation you are in, first take time and think about it whether or not you wish to do it or not. It can be lending money to someone, going out, indulging in bad habits, eating someone’s food and someone using your personal items. If you say No, it doesn’t mean that you are a bad person.

You have the right to turn down an invite you don’t wish to go to or even refuse to do a favor. 

Value yourself and make yourself a priority.

These are some tips which might help you for Saying No:

  • Be truthful and don’t lie
  • Stop making excuses and be upfront about the issue
  • You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone
  • If it is not ok to you, simply decline
  • Do not feel guilty if you say no
  • Start respecting yourself and your decision
  • Don’t let people take advantage of you 
  • Set boundaries for yourself

Keep in mind that your SELF-WORTH does not rely upon the number of things you do for people.

Saying No when required will be one of the best things you do for yourself. It will help you in overcoming your fears of getting rejected. It will keep you calm. You will stop feeling guilty and trapped in situations and feel free. 

Think about it – a good individual with a caring heart, can still say NO.

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