Good Morning

You know this for a fact that the start of our day determines our mood of the day. If things fall into place, you are happy. If things do not fall into place, you are unhappy and stressed. Your mornings often start snoozing alarms, skipping meals and simply rushing. As a result, there is chaos in your day.

It is very important to plan in advance to avoid the rush in the morning. A good start is what you need. Planning a day before and keeping little details in mind is beneficial. It can be choosing your clothes for the next morning, arranging your bag, keeping all the things in one place which you want to carry to work like your spectacles, your earphones, your laptop, chargers, keys, any important document, and the list goes on.

Given below are simple morning habits that can add so much meaning to your life. These morning habits will help you in reaching your goals and making your mornings easy.

Hydration: When you wake up drink a glass of water. It is essential to keep yourself hydrated. Start your day by drinking plenty of water. 

Breakfast: It is said, you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. If you start your day without eating breakfast, you will feel restless. It is very important to ‘break’ the ‘fast’. As a result, you will perform your tasks well. Your mind and body will function better. Avoid skipping your breakfast.

Make your bed: Sometimes contributing to little tasks at home can work out very well for you. When you wake up, tidy your room and make your bed. You will feel a sense of satisfaction.

Gratitude list: As a habit, make a list of 10 things you are grateful for each day. Read this aloud and have a feeling of gratitude. Be thankful to God, the universe and your family & friends for everything you have.

Affirmations: Write at least 3-5 affirmations per day. You all have something in your mind when you wake up. By looking at your affirmation list, it becomes easy for you to accomplish your goals.

Stop Snoozing: We all snooze our alarm. Don’t we? If you sleep on time and have a good night’s sleep for 6-8 hours, you will wake up on time. It will help you in letting off of the habit of snoozing your alarm. For those extra 5 minutes of sleep, you spoil your routine.

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Listen to music: Music therapy is healing and soothing. Listening to your favorite tracks or some religious melodies will really change your mood. It will pep you up for the day ahead. 

Don’t look at your phone: With the era of technology, you are into your screens or smartphones throughout the day. It keeps you engaged and takes all your time. When you get up in the morning, try to look at the green leaves outside your window or house instead of your phone.

Exercise: Try to exercise at least 3-4 days a week. Exercising will keep your body fit. You will stay away from various diseases. Incorporating exercise in your daily routine will keep you happy and healthy.

Same wake-up routine: You should try and wake up at the same time every day. By following the clock, you will not miss out on all your tasks. There will be less chaos and your body will function well.

With our lifestyles and unhealthy food choices, we have as it is created a number of problems for ourselves. We have stagnant life patterns and it keeps us stressed. So it is advised that you start choosing good morning habits to make your life easy.

If you try and incorporate these morning habits in your daily routine you will start feeling stress-free. You will be relaxed as you would not be hassled. Your days would be productive. You will feel energetic and happier.

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