Love yourself

How do we describe Self Worth? “The feeling of one’s own worth or your worth as an individual.”

Our present culture of the “enhanced” self is creating a decent amount of issues. For instance, a bothering feeling of uncertainty, trying to prove yourself to society now and again, tons of comparisons regularly with effective and powerful individuals of our society, is what we do every day. 

Our self-worth is a component of how we honor ourselves. To make your self-worth, you should initially find your qualities and after that make up your own meaning of progress. Your qualities are just what you value throughout your life.

The factors which disturb you and make you low:

You won’t deny that our society has it’s own expectations of outward appearances of fame and gain, for example, cash, material belongings, physical appearance, your marital status, profession and so on. Conversely, you give very little thought to the attitudes and beliefs of an individual, for example, love, loyalty, generosity, commitment while deciding success.

You question your worth or how your friend is earning more than you? or you feel is there anything wrong with you? or maybe the other person looks better than you and you think again why did God make me this way? There are multiple thoughts which take over your mind and your thought processes change making you negative, dull and worthless.

These tips will help you make you realize that you are worth it, throughout your life.

You Are Enough: We sometimes feel obligated to prove to society. But a constant reminder to yourself is needed that you don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Whatever path you choose, it should give you a feeling of satisfaction and not society. At the end of the day, you should feel happy and content. You should have a feeling of gratitude and be thankful for all your struggles. These struggles will make you a better person. 

Saying No: If you are unable to fulfill the expectations of your near & dear ones, don’t feel disheartened. Remember your worth and allow time to heal the other person. 

Body Weight and Looks: You are judged on physical appearances. If a person is fat, people do body shaming without realizing that maybe the person is like that due to some medical issue and not eating. If a person is thin, he is also laughed at. How you look is everything according to society. But how you are as a person, doesn’t really matter. Looks fade away with time. Recall this – You are loved, you are special, be you. 

Love Yourself: God has made us all unique. Each one of us has different features, looks, and abilities. The damage we do to our minds by comparing often takes a lot of time to repair. Stop comparing yourself with the world. You tend to forget that everyone is special. Maybe you possess a certain ability or quality that is missing in the person you are comparing yourself to. 

You, yourself are enough.

Discover Yourself: Life is much more than being negative and feeling dull. The best way to feel self-worth is discovering yourself. Find out what you are most passionate about. Instead of complaining and feeling low about yourself, rather channel that energy in doing what you love most. You will feel alive. You will feel loved. 

Self  Help: More than anything self-worth is all about practicing. It’s a habit that you need to inculcate continuously for it to show results. In this era of technology watch self-help videos, read books on self-worth, make continuous positive affirmations. 

Keep yourself positive, deter any negative thought from coming to you. Life is too short to waste on people & situations that are not worth your time. 


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