bedtime routines

As much as it is advised to follow morning routines, it is equally essential that you follow bedtime routines.

We live in an era where we are surrounded by technology and gadgets throughout the day. Browsing through your phone the minute you get the chance is something we all do.

Either you are on a favorite messaging app or you are playing games at night before sleeping. You have so much love for Netflix and Prime Video, all our cherished series and movies are now easily available for downloading and watching. Checking social media has become a significant part of our lives.

I personally love my Netflix and chill time. A thing I am so fond of doing most is to shop online. The shopping apps & shopping websites are so user-friendly, the product gets delivered within no time and it is so convenient. So a part of my bedtime ritual is online shopping too.

Some of you must be carrying your work home from the office or college. So your routine also includes this work pressure also. Without a doubt, you need to complete your office work or college assignment staying awake late at night, but how it affects your health is something you are unaware of.

Now think what is it you should not do every day before going to bed?

To keep yourself healthy and to feel fresh the next morning, there are certain bedtimes routines which you should follow:

  • Avoid watching TV especially news: Watching TV at night not only strains your eyes but harms you in many ways. If you are fond of watching dark shows, it has a negative effect on your mind. And you have no clue what harm the news can do to you! These days we hear about all sorts of news like murders, looting, rape, accidents, and the list goes on. If you sleep with all these thoughts it highly affects your sleep and mind.
  • Helpful techniques: It is said that continuously blinking your eyes for a minute will help you sleep fast. Another technique is the breathing technique. Whenever you are unable to sleep try this – Take a deep breath counting in your mind 1 2 3 and exhale by counting 1 2 3 4. Keep repeating it and focus on the counting. This makes you fall asleep very quickly. 
  • Pampering yourself: Take your eyes off the gadgets, remind yourself saying no phone or gadgets at night. Instead, take a bath with warm water. You can even put a candle on or a diffuser for a calming effect. These little things make a lot of difference. 
  • Food do’s & don’ts: Always keep yourself light at night. If you eat heavy food at night, you will feel uneasy. You can be a victim of acidity or gastric problems, which will not let you sleep. Try and drink hot milk or chamomile tea at night. You will feel very relaxed and this will help you sleep better. Avoid caffeine at night as much as you can.

If you find it difficult to sleep, try to incorporate these habits.

  • Read on: The book lovers are in a habit of reading and then sleeping. So for all the non-book lovers, try to read a book or a magazine at night. Your eyes will automatically close.
  • Music Therapy: Listening to soothing music at night can do wonders. It will help you in keeping your mind of all the stress you went throughout the day. Whenever you are over-stressed or worked up, do listen to music. It will definitely change your mood. 
  • Sleep Time: Lastly, fix a sleep time for yourself. If you sleep at the same time every day, you will get a good night’s sleep. You will feel energetic the next day. It is advised to keep your phone away from you when you sleep. Kindly switch off your phone and keep it at a distance. Don’t forget to say Good Night to your loved ones.

“Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together”,

Thomas Dekker

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