
We all are killing ourselves with Anxiety! Aren’t we?

Anxiety – concern, jitters, stress, tension, uneasiness which has a questionable result. 

With your everyday work routines and your lifestyle, there are many situations that come up which make you feel anxious. You get a feeling which makes you stressed and tensed. At that moment you forget about all the good things in your life and your focus shifts to that sad feeling. 

It is very natural if we get anxious occasionally. But getting anxious every day is disturbing and alarming. You feel anxious in various situations like – an interview, an exam, a thing for which you are not prepared for, meeting someone, getting married, social gatherings, your looks, weight & health. Some of you also feel that you need to prove yourself to society. Do you really need to prove your worth? Why do you have to focus so much on the result? 

Life is tough and you know it!

In the process of proving yourself to society and being so result-oriented all the time. You miss out on important aspects of life. People around you get stressed out too and wonder why you behave in such a manner. If you are anxious or get anxiety attacks you will feel restless and have fatigue. Since you worry all the time about even the tiniest of issues, you will experience body aches and pains. As your body is not in control. You will be irritated most of the times and find it difficult to sleep

Apart from these symptoms, there are many more which include –sweating, headache, pains, dizziness, stomach pains, nausea, etc. Now think and analyze this. Is worrying worth it? Do you want to change the situation? Are you wishing to breakthrough? Being anxious all the time is how you imagined your life? How do your family and friends feel after seeing you like this all the time? Aren’t your eyes tired of crying? And most of the time you don’t even have a valid reason.

“Sometimes you need to step outside, get some fresh air, and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be”

Gossip Girl

Live your life stress-free!

You have to remind yourself that having anxiety will disturb your daily life routines. You will feel shaken up. But the change won’t happen overnight. You will have to give a conscious effort to this. There are numerous reasons due to which you feel this way. You have to let go of your phobias. But the first and foremost thing you need to do is find out the exact situation or reason which makes you anxious. 

Once you have figured out the reason. The next step would be to write it on a piece of paper with a red pen and burn that paper. While it is burning, think that the situation has gone away from your life. Sometimes it is extremely important to let the excess baggage go off your head. You have the support of your loved ones. But they can only help you once you share your side of the story. 

“Keep walking through the storm. Your rainbow is waiting on the other side”

Heather Stillufsen

God has made you like this for a reason. Shift your focus and energy from negative to positive by doing all the things you love to do. Spend time with your loved ones. Go out for a movie or listen to your favorite song. The moment you feel that you are about to get an anxiety attack, shift your focus immediately. Stop focusing on What if? Don’t & Can’t. 

Clear your mind. By doing so, it will be easier for the people around you to understand your perspective. Don’t think people lecture you all the time. Instead, think about the love they have for you and they are genuinely concerned about you. As an everyday practice, list down 5 things you are grateful for. Live your life with gratitude. It will help you to look at the bright side of life. Remember this – 

“Today’s a perfect day for a whole new start. Let go of fear and free your mind. It’s time to open your heart”

Chris Butler

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